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DOM Event 的位置属性

在工作中,前端开发人员经常需要跟DOM事件打交道,而在事件对象中,有许多跟事件位置相关的属性,比如clientX, clientY, offsetX, offsetY等等,需要我们对这些属性有一个清晰的认识,在使用的时候就可以得心应手。


screenX and screenY property

The screenX and screenY properties return the mouse cursors position relative to the devices screen.

clientX and clientY

The clientX and clientY properties return the mouse cursors position relative to the application's viewport, this does not include any scrolling overflow.

x and y properties are alias for the clientX and clientY property.

pageX and pageY

The pageX and pageY properties return the mouse cursors position relative to the current html document. This includes the distance the page has been scrolled horizontally or vertically.

offsetX and offsetY

The offsetX and offsetY properties return the mouse cursors position relative to the target element the event was added to.

movementX and movementY

The movementX and movementY properties return the relative position of the mouse cursor between the current and previous mousemove events firing.

